Department Of Instrumentation Engineering

Dr. Prashant Dattatraya Sarawade
I/C HOD, Instrumentation Engg.
HOD Message
Warm welcome to the department of Instrumentation at Government Polytechnic, Karad. It was established in year 1996 with intake of 40. The intake was further increased to 60 in the year 2010, is approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai.
Industrial automation, robotics, measurement and control are integral parts of instrumentation that plays a vital role to transform nation as developed one. In this regard, the instrumentation engineering departments across india has great contribution to produce young skilled engineers.
Vision & Mission

Department Vision
To inculcate futuristic technical education in the domain of instrumentation engineering in order to serve for industry and society.

Department Mission
To nurture the students to have attitude of lifelong learning for excellence.
To cultivate high moral and rational values in the life of students through education.
To develop technocrats to face socio- industrial challenges.